    The ordinal name Zoraptera comes from the Greek ‘zor' meaning pure and ‘aptero' meaning wingless, and was given before winged forms were discovered. This is a very small order, and presently contains one family only, Zoraptidae, and about 33 known species. Zorapterans are found in the tropical and warm temperate regions. Members of this order are minute, less than 3 mm long, and each species has two forms, one winged, where individuals are usually brown and have both compound eyes and ocelli, and a wingless form, where they are usually pale and have no compound eyes or ocelli. Wings can be voluntarily shed by them. These insects are gregarious, but they do not appear to be truly social. Zorapterans are usually found in forest litter, rotting wood, under bark, in piles of old sawdust or close to termite colonies, and the feed on spores and mycelium of fungi, or occasionally on mites and other small arthropods. Little is known about the biology of Zorapterans, which are hemimetabolous insects. Their importance resides as members in the food chains of any ecosystem.